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Chicken Boost


Chicken Boost


Chicken boost is a range of water supplements for chickens for various purposes. The range consists of the three following products:

'For healthy water': provides fresh and healthy water for chickens by adding acids and some trace elements to the drinking water for the chickens.
'For strong eggs': ensures healthy and firm eggs thanks to the addition of vitamin D3 and calcium in the chickens' drinking water.
'Anti blood lice': makes the chickens unattractive to external parasites thanks to the addition of a mix of specific herbs.


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Our 'Chicken boost' is a range of water supplements for chickens for various purposes. The products are simply added to the chickens' drinking water. They are also easily dosed via the double-neck bottle. The range consists of the three following products: 'For healthy water': provides fresh and healthy water for chickens by adding acids and some trace elements to the drinking water for the chickens. 'For strong eggs': ensures healthy and firm eggs thanks to the addition of vitamin D3 and calcium in the chickens' drinking water. 'Anti blood lice': makes the chickens unattractive to external parasites thanks to the addition of a mix of specific herbs. If chicken keepers notice that their chickens are deficient, they can easily administer this through their drinking water.

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