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LUMENIZE a world first!

Unique Bluetooth connected system with free app.

Thanks to its intuitive application, you can define periods corresponding to the movements of the “sun”. In this way, you can adapt both the light intensity and UV radiation to the precise needs of your animals, while saving energy!

LumenIZE® ProT5

Control T5 UV-B lamps easily and accurately for the very first time!


The LumenIZE version of Arcadia Reptile's popular Jungle Dawn-LED bar has been redesigned to increase light production, and therefore, the PAR level. So you can have complete confidence in the Jungle Dawn LumenIZE LED Bar to achieve exceptional plant growth results. Available from 18 w to 80 w.

Your key to tailor-made reptile lighting and advancing animal welfare

Accessories & care products

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Existing reptile lights on the market do not have an option to simulate a gradual sunrise/sunset, which can be very harmful to animals, the lights turn on/off abruptly. With LumenIze we simulate the sunrise/sunset progressively from 0 to 100% and from 100% to 0, very simply with a free Bluetooth application! with just a finger. Circadian cycles (internal clock) are essential for reptiles because they influence various aspects of their physiology and behavior. If reptiles do not benefit from a natural circadian rhythm, several negative consequences can occur.

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