25 & 26

Thule Allax


Thule Allax


Thule Allax offers advanced protection and comfort for both short trips and long hauls alike. With its superior safety features, ease of use and convenience, there’s no better way to keep your dog safe while traveling than with this reliable dog crate from Thule.

The dog crate comes in ten different sizes, all with rounded edges to provide a perfect fit for both your car and your dog. Plus, the dog travel crate can be adjusted in depth for a perfect fit in your trunk, and tension bands ensure that it stays securely fastened while driving. Well-designed and well-built. No noise or rattle will come from this premium dog crate.

Accessories & care products

Date of market launch (dd/mm/year)
Januari 2024

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The Thule team has used the company’s world-class in-house crash testing facilities in the development of the safest dog crate in the market. ”The Thule Allax dog crate has been rigorously crash-tested in real-life scenarios, like frontal and rearend crash tests,” explains Louise Melin, Product Manager at Thule Group. Our innovative ‘crumple zone’ is a design feature that is unique to the Thule dog crate. In the case of a rear-end collision, the crumple zone allows the crate to be compressed in a controlled way to minimize the risk of injury for passengers in the backseat, while also ensuring that your dog stays safe. Thule Allax is the first of many dog transport products to be launched by Thule, all with the focus to safely bring your dog. Using the consumer insights from detailed interaction with dogs and dog owners as well as more than 60 years of experience in advanced car testing, the Thule Allax crate has a thoughtful design. Dog owners will appreciate the smart design details, like the door that opens and shuts smoothly and the built-in security lock for increased safety. It is this attention to detail that ensures that the crate does not rattle while you drive.

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