25 & 26

Happy Snack by FELIWAY


Happy Snack by FELIWAY


Happy Snack by FELIWAY® is a light, delicious creamy snack that all cats will love. This treat has a unique composition with alpha-casozepine, a natural milk protein, with known calming properties. With Happy Snack by FELIWAY®, we offer the opportunity for cat owners to share a special moment of happiness with their cats, especially when these cats need some comfort in challenging and unsetting situations.

The contents of the sachet are for licking up, so also suitable for cats going outside or on the go. It can be given straight from the sachet, in a food bowl, on the finger and is for cats of all ages.

Happy Snack by FELIWAY® is loved by 86%* of cats and offers the opportunity to create a relaxing routine to strengthen the bond between man and cat. Cats like routine and feel happier when they experience positive rituals.

FELIWAY® Calmness at your fingertips!

*Ceva research (2023) MKT/E859/2207


Date of market launch (dd/mm/year)

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Happy Snack by FELIWAY® is a light, delicious creamy snack that all cats will love. This treat has a unique composition with alpha-casozepine, a natural milk protein, with known calming properties. With Happy Snack by FELIWAY®, we offer the opportunity for cat owners to share a special moment of happiness with their cats, especially when these cats need some comfort in challenging and unsetting situations. The contents of the sachet are for licking up, so also suitable for cats going outside or on the go. It can be given straight from the sachet, in a food bowl, on a fingertip and is for cats of all ages. Happy Snack by FELIWAY® offers the opportunity to create a relaxing routine to strengthen the bond between human and cat. FELIWAY® Calmness at your fingertips! A unique and novel combination of a delicious snack with calming properties.

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