25 & 26





Recognize and reward good behavior with a celebratory crunch. Break out our crunchy Bravo Biscuits when the best behaviour deserves something to drool over. Whether it’s for waiting patiently, avoiding muddy paws, or ignoring the doorbell—these are the moments you’ve learned together. Munch, crunch, mouthwater.


Date of market launch (dd/mm/year)

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Our latest treats have been meticulously designed with specific moments in mind. Research has shown that consumers give their dogs treats for various occasions. We have observed, listened, and identified four occasions: to reward, to cheer up, to teach, and to bond with their dogs. We've utilized these insights to create the perfect treat for each occasion, including delicious biscuits—a category in demand but lacking in taste.   Introduce your dog to our scrumptious Bravo Biscuits: crafted to reward good behavior with a festive crunch, they come in environmentally friendly packaging that brings order. Recognizing that every dog is unique, as are their preferences and dietary needs, we've developed five unique recipes to ensure every dog can be rewarded. All our recipes are free from added sugars, with meat options containing only the freshest meat, our poultry comes from farms with animal welfare standards, and we even offer plant-based options.

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